At our core, we want to help you make better financial decisions

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Small financial decisions can have big impact down the road.

Let's explore important questions that may pop up along the way.


Are you ahead of the curve or behind the eight ball?

Balancing family responsibilities, work, and trying to maintain a social life is tough. It is easy to let your personal finances slide to the back of the to-do list. Yogi Berra once said, "If you don't know where you are going you'll end up someplace else". If you feel in your gut that you may be a little behind the eight ball, you are probably right. We can help.

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Will I have enough in retirement?

If you do not know how much you can spend and if it will be enough to last, having a plan can help. Retirement is giving yourself permission to be present to enjoy the things in your life that you have worked so hard to rebuild.


Should I adjust my portfolio?

Many people are a little out of alignment when it comes to investing. It's important to make adjustments so you are not blindsided by the markets or dragged back into the work force. It is also important to remember that money can be like a bar of soap, the more you handle it the less you may have. Do you know if your investments are in line with your objectives and risk tolerance?


How do I budget on a fixed income?

To feel secure, it's a good idea to calculate your entire monthly income from all the sources you have, such as Social Security, Pension, 401(k), interest payments and investment dividends. Also, checking your savings to decide how much you can reasonably withdraw on a monthly basis can be a savvy planning tool. These tips will help create the foundation of your budget plan.


How can I invest in my future without hurting our monthly budget?

If you would like to invest but think you don’t have the money, think again. The beauty of investing is that unlike purchasing a car or even a home, it doesn’t require a significant down payment. Consider an automatic savings plan, even if you have as little as $25 each month initially, it’s better than nothing.

At our core, we want to help you make better financial decisions


Am I filling out ALL my paperwork correctly?

Paperwork can be stressful. If you don't cross all T’s and dot all I’s correctly things can get complicated. Our client service representative has over 10 years of experience with all thing’s “paperwork” and can answer any questions or process any forms needed to get your accounts/insurance established.


Should I set aside money for the children(s) college?

College seems a long way off when you bring your new baby home from the hospital, but the far-off nature of higher education shouldn’t put college savings strategies lower on your list of priorities. Luckily, there are several methods that can help you get started saving now, potentially protecting your child (and you) from student loan debt down the road.


Are insurance choices I made 5 years ago still the right ones?

You may or may not be properly covered as you get older, but what you absolutely want to avoid is realizing you did not have enough when it is too late. Our insurance experts analyze all available plans to find the best one for you.


What is the cost of long-term care these days? And how much will health insurance cost?

Considering long-term care costs is an important part of any financial plan. Regular health insurance doesn’t cover long-term care and Medicare won’t come to the rescue. The cost of long-term care is one of the important things you’ll consider. It's best to talk with a financial advisor about whether buying long-term care insurance is the option for you.

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